
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Blurry Line of Collective Christian Conscience and Individual Christian Freedom

I worry for the church in these tumultuous times.  As I look at the headlines of our ever changing nation, I know that I can be overwhelmed with the speed and ferocity by which we see our country's ethical standard deteriorate.  This transition which I am seeing is disappointing, but not unexpected.  As a matter of fact, I have been talking about these changes for about a decade.    My worry for the church isn't in whether or not Jesus will keep His church.  He has already bought and paid for His bride with His blood.  He has given us the promised Holy Spirit which is to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment and also to lead the believer into truth and seal him for the day of redemption.  The church...the true confessing, believing safe in the arms of their Savior. My worry is over whether the church will be one, as Jesus wants them to be:  United as one body with many parts, who all have a...