Are we "inspired" to follow Jesus at church?

Is there such a thing as a "demotivational speaker"? If there is, then I might be available for speaking engagements. Read this post and see if I fit the bill for your congregation or youth group. Well, that's how I feel, at times. I have had wonderful people in our congregation tell me that they wish they could hear an uplifting message from me instead of all the hard sermons that seem to flow from my lips. (I must add that it wasn't offered up as a criticism, as much as an observation.) And to be fair, many of our sermons have focused on some hard passages of Scripture in the last few years. We have gone through Judges, the Kings of Israel and Judah, the Gospel of Matthew and are currently in 1 Corinthians. I have been at camp and at conferences and have heard awesome men and women of God share messages and give testimony of God's greatness in their lives that make me wish that I could be like them. I see the youth and adults flock to the alta...