The Symptoms of Falling Away

Today I'd like to talk about the gospel...the good news of Jesus Christ. It is my contention that many who profess to be Christians are no longer (or have never been) so. It's really not that controversial if you think about it. Jesus said that the way is broad that leads to destruction and many are on that road (Mat. 7:13-14). This post seeks to give encouragement to those holding onto the faith and a warning to those who are falling away. It also seeks to clarify what the gospel is and what it is not, something that those falling away may not realize they are doing. It is also to help us as believers to understand where we may compromise the gospel, thereby denying Christ, if we aren't careful. The good news of Christ is simply this: 1) Man and woman were created in perfect relationship with God (Gen. 1-2). 2) Both the man and woman were tempted and sinned against God bringing suffering and death into the world (Gen. 3). As desce...