Questions I Sincerely Want Answered

I don't know if anyone will respond to this blog (via FB or via this blog). I sincerely pray that many do. I am specifically writing former members of Youth Groups gone by and former members of the church I have been at part of for the last 17 years, why they have changed. (If you haven't changed, then this isn't for you outside of the same understanding I am hoping for.) I have watched heartbreakingly over the last 17 years former youth seemingly trade in their faith for Christ for either a liberal understanding of faith or an abandonment of faith altogether. (Truthfully, I don't know where some currently lie.) For those who have changed to a liberal understanding of faith: How did you come to your conclusion that the liberal interpretation was the correct one? Do you still believe in the foundational tenets of faith? (We are fallen in need of a Savior because of our sin, Jesus came and paid the price for that sin on the cross, He lived a sinless, pe...